Is the Market Turning?

At the time I’m writing this, it appears the market is cresting. We have had a pretty considerable increase in property values for the past five years. The growth hasn’t been overheated or exorbitant, but is has been steady, representing about a 50 percent increase from the lowest 2008 Recession values. What does that mean … Read more

Ukiah Business Trends

You may have noticed that we finally have some new businesses in town. The old Masonite property north of town, developed by Ross Liberty, has attracted a landscaping supply company, Rhys Vineyards, and a potential hotel, restaurant, and gas station. The landscape business is especially noteworthy because the owner is from Ukiah. Years ago, he … Read more

The Pros and Cons of Downsizing

Once the kids go off to college and then (hopefully) into the work world, empty nesters typically have more house than they need. The question becomes whether to sell or stay put. Let’s imagine you have a 3500-square-foot house. Now that your five adult children have families of their own, they visit from time to … Read more

Divorce and Real Estate

When a marriage ends, one of the most contentious issues can be dividing up the assets—figuring out who gets what. If the spouses own real estate together, this is likely to be among the most valuable assets. Although it can be hard to make rational decisions in an emotionally charged situation, it’s worth the effort. … Read more

The Benefits of Real Estate Investing

A few years back, I wrote some columns on real estate investing. Since then, I’ve been asked about the tax benefits and other upsides of owning income properties, so here’s a bit more information. If you are a business owner interested in owning your own office building, a property manager who wants to own your … Read more

Call in the Reinforcements for the County Building Department

In the recent fires, our community lost more than 300 homes plus various other structures in Redwood Valley and Potter Valley. In addition to the financial and emotional toll this will take on displaced families, it will also put a huge strain on a system that was already stretched beyond measure. The Mendocino County Building … Read more

Emergency Preparedness Hits Home

I’d like to start by saying how sorry I am for all those who lost their homes and worse in the recent fires. I know we have a long recovery ahead, but I’m confident our community will pull together and rebuild. Given our recent disaster, I’ve been thinking about how important it is to plan … Read more

Winterizing Your Home

  What a difference two weeks can make. When I wrote this column, our valley hadn’t burned, so let me begin by sending my condolences to all those who’ve lost so much. For those of us in the fortunate position of still having a house that is standing, now is the time to prepare it … Read more

Dumb Reasons People Don’t Buy the House They Want

When you decide you’re in the market to buy a house, you can: 1. Do this the smart way, and maximize the likelihood that you’ll end up with a house you like and can afford; or 2. Do this the dumb way, and rush headlong into a complicated process without the support or information you … Read more