How are 1031 Exchanges like musical chairs?

If you’re interested in investing, 1031 Exchanges are a wonderful, legal way to defer tax liability almost indefinitely. Sound good? Read on. As always, when I write about investing or tax implications of owning real estate, I am simply sharing my opinion. If you are thinking of investing or have questions about taxes with regard … Read more

Why Invest in Real Estate?

If you are in the fortunate position of having a little money to invest, or if you are just curious about investing, here’s a bit on real estate as an investment. Before I get started, I’ll remind you that I am neither a financial advisor nor a tax professional. I am not advising any action; … Read more

Interest Rates and the New Dodd-Frank and Federal Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Regulations

Most people in real estate don’t expect interest rates to stay down much longer. As unemployment drops and the economic recovery gains momentum and therefore demand for business borrowing, the pressure to raise interest rates increases. In addition the federal government has spent $17,000,000,000,000 more than they had. They therefore borrowed the money. This results … Read more

How to Hire Contractors, Inspectors, and Others – Part II

I’ve talked about how to hire a realtor and a lender, but they probably won’t be the only professionals you need during your real estate transaction. You may need an insurance agent, home inspector, pest and fungus inspector, several contractors, landscapers, appraisers, and others. It’s never a bad idea to ask your friends and neighbors … Read more

How to Hire a Lender

Last week, I talked about how to hire a realtor. This week, I thought I’d review the basics of hiring a lender. A lender’s job is to find a loan with the best rate available for you. With the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, banks now have very little flexibility, … Read more

How to Hire a REALTOR: 4 Simple Questions

A few months back, I wrote about why you should consider hiring a realtor if you plan to buy or sell a home. What I neglected to mention was how to hire a realtor. Like anything, if you’ve never done it before, it’s hard to be an expert out of the gate. Briefly, here’s a … Read more

Why Ukiah?

As a real estate broker, I follow trends on why people buy and rent homes in Ukiah, and whether more people are coming to town or leaving. Lately things have been changing. Until recently, about 80 percent of new rentals in our property management department related to people moving within Mendocino County, but starting in … Read more

Why Californians Bought Houses in 2013

Lots of Californians have purchased homes so far this year, and the California Association of Realtors did a little research to find out why. More than a third of California homebuyers cited price reductions as their reason to buy. Housing prices are still down as much as 35 percent from their peak (before the economic … Read more

What’s the Best Way To Expand Your Square Footage?

Even though interest rates are up about a quarter of a percent, the housing market remains strong (maybe because interest rates are going up – folks want to make a move before rates go higher). Basically, with the same monthly payment, a quarter point rise in rates reduces the amount of loan you can get … Read more