The New Normal After COVID-19

Eventually, scientists will develop a vaccine for COVID-19 and life will return to some semblance of normal. Kids will attend school in classrooms with peers, grocery shopping won’t require masks, and we’ll be able to gather with friends and family to celebrate special occasions. However, some things will never go back to the old normal. … Read more

Landlord-Tenant Relationships Now and After the Pandemic

COVID-19 will eventually fade from the daily news. I don’t know if it will ever go away completely, but once there’s a vaccine, it won’t be on our minds the way it is now. Some effects, however, will stick around, including our awareness about how viruses spread—and that will likely alter expectations between landlords and … Read more

Investing for the Long Term – Real Estate is Hard to Beat

Recently, a Gallup poll indicated that Americans are losing some of their enthusiasm for investing in stocks after U.S. equity markets dropped in the wake of COVID-19. In July, only 21 percent of people considered stocks the best investment, down six percentage points from last year and the lowest Gallup has recorded in almost a … Read more

Foreclosures Up for Grabs

A new law goes into effect January 1, 2021, that allows tenants to purchase the residence they’re living in from the low bidder for that property at a foreclosure auction. This will have a chilling effect on investors’ willingness to bid on foreclosed properties. The skewed news article I read suggested that this law prevents … Read more

What Kind of Deed Do You Have? Part III

This is the third in a three-part series on the different types of deeds you may encounter. Deeds are the instruments used when property is transferred from one owner to another in California, and the type of deed you have can affect when and how you can sell your property—so it’s worth understanding what you’ve … Read more

What Kind of Deed Do You Have? Part II

Last week, I reviewed the most common types of deeds: grant deeds and quit-claim deeds. In California, deeds are the instruments used to transfer of property from one owner to another. The type of deed you have can affect when and how you can sell your house—so it’s worth understanding what you’ve got. The types … Read more

What Kind of Deed Do You Have? Part I

Deeds are the instruments used when property is transferred from one owner to another in California. Deeds include the name(s) of the buyer and seller and a legal description of the property, among other information, and it’s best if they are  recorded in the county where the property is located so the title (ownership) to … Read more

The Futility of Searching for Greener Grass

With orange skies, smoky air, and wildfire evacuations to the north, south and east, it’s no wonder that people are beginning to question whether they should move out of Mendocino County or even out of state. I understand the inclination, but be sure to think things through before you make a hasty decision that won’t … Read more

Preparing for Closing Costs

Many homebuyers want the most favorable home loan terms they can get—the lowest interest rate and fewest points without the need for private mortgage insurance. One way to do this is to save your pennies until you can come up with a down payment that’s 20 percent of the sale price. On a $400,000 home, … Read more