Why Do Loans Cost So Much?

Recently, a fellow called me looking for a small, private-money loan of $14,000 to fund some home renovations. He had a credit score of 840, which is about as close to perfect as you’re likely to find. He had no outstanding debt to speak of, having just paid off his car loan a year after … Read more

Competing in a Hot Housing Market

If you’ve been house hunting, you know the local market is tight. Supply is down which forces prices up. Although Mendocino County is more affordable than some parts of California, it’s getting harder to find property in a price range that’s comfortable for most people. In the real estate business, we use the Housing Affordability … Read more

Less Regulation, Less Expense

On April 28, the Ukiah Daily Journal reprinted a CalMatters.org story about how housing prices have hit a record high in California. The story opens with, “The median price for a single-family home shot up to a staggering $758,990 in March — a nearly 6% increase from the previous record of $717,930 set in December … Read more

Drought is Coming

In case you haven’t noticed, the whole state of California—including Mendocino County—has been short on rainfall this year. Between October and March (the rainy season), Ukiah received less than half the normal amount for this time. People are comparing this year to 1977 when we had a major drought. If you lived in Ukiah in … Read more

Expensive Mistakes Homeowners Make

Owning a home can be costly in the best of times, so there’s no reason to waste money on expensive mistakes. Here are a few to avoid. No Building Permit If you plan to undertake major repairs or structural improvements to your home, you will undoubtedly need a permit to do so legally. Whether you … Read more

Well-Informed Versus Over-Regulated

I was talking with recently elected District 1 Mendocino County Supervisor Glenn McGourty about the challenges we face with housing in the Ukiah area—both a lack of supply and a lack of affordability. As a supervisor, Mr. McGourty will have many opportunities to address regulations, existing and proposed. While the most onerous regulations usually originate … Read more

Spring Selling

Spring is a wonderful time to sell your house. The sun is out. Flowers are blooming. And especially this spring, people are ready to do something other than stay at home. Smart sellers are preparing to put their houses on the market. If you want your house to stand out from the others, here are … Read more

Get the Most (Money) Out of Your Home Office

When the pandemic hit, many people were forced to work from home. Now, a significant number of those folks are choosing to work from home indefinitely, either full-time or part-time. If you are a self-employed homeowner and working from home, it’s time to make your home work for you. It’s time to create a dedicated … Read more

Home Hardening – Preparing for Wildfires

On January 1, 2021, a new law took effect that requires sellers to disclose whether their residential property has been hardened against the threat of wildfire. The law pertains to residential properties with up to four units constructed prior to 2010 (including condominiums and manufactured homes) located in high or very high fire-hazard-severity zones—which includes … Read more