Be Careful with an Escalation Clause

Have you ever wanted to own the property next to yours? Maybe it would allow you to protect a beautiful view. Maybe it would allow you to bring your aging parent closer so you could provide more support. Maybe you just love that property and would rather have it as your primary residence instead of … Read more

Landlord-Tenant Relationships Don’t Have to Be Adversarial

I recently received an email from a reader asking about how to deal with a big, corporate landlord in another state giving smaller, more responsive landlords a bad name. Unfortunately, there are bad apples in every profession, be they police officers, teachers, lawyers, politicians, and even real estate agents. Having said that, when you hear … Read more

Some Surprising Things Covered by Homeowners Insurance

Whether you own your own home or live in a rental, homeowners insurance is a worthwhile investment. It covers everything from losses and damages to your house and belongings, as well as some surprising extras. Please keep in mind that I’m about to tell you what’s common, not necessarily what’s in your particular policy. The … Read more

The New Rules of Selling and Buying a Home

Right now, people who want to sell their current home and buy a different one find themselves in a bit of a quandary. The market is hot and residential properties are selling like hot cakes, so sellers are understandably eager to get their property on the market. However, what do they do if their house … Read more

Plan to Retire Someday? Choose the Real Estate

Choosing the right house for your retirement years depends on several factors. Many people downsize to a smaller home, either because their economic situation demands it or because they don’t want to deal with the maintenance and upkeep of a larger home. Others move to be closer to the amenities they now have time to … Read more

Buy Now

If you’ve been thinking of buying a home, now is the time, especially if Congress passes the First-Time Homebuyer Act, which would allow low- and middle-income earners who haven’t owned a home for at least three years to get a $15,000 tax credit when they purchase a primary residence and live there for at least … Read more

Title Insurance is a Worthy Investment – Part II

Last week, I shared some information about why title insurance is so valuable. This week, I’ll share a few more compelling reasons to get the best title insurance you can afford. As a reminder, title insurance isn’t like other insurance. Instead of paying ongoing premiums for protection against some problem in the future, for a … Read more

Title Insurance is a Worthy Investment – Part I

When Realtors explain the importance of title insurance to prospective homebuyers, many homebuyers understandably assume that title insurance is like other insurance—a policy for which they pay ongoing premiums that will protect them in some way against problems that could occur in the future. However, title insurance does the opposite. For a one-time fee, title … Read more

Are We in a Housing Bubble?

Recently, several people have asked me whether I think housing prices are inflated and likely to lead to a market correction. It’s an understandable question, especially for those who owned property in 2005-‘06 when the last housing bubble burst. For now, at least, I see no warning signals. Housing Prices First of all, in the … Read more