Bait and Switch – California’s Zoning Change

In last week’s column, I referred to recent legislation affecting residential zoning. Here are the details. This fall, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 9 (SB9), and in one fell swoop almost entirely ended single-family residential zoning in California. The new law allows people to build as many as two duplexes on lots zoned single-family residential, … Read more

Be a Good Neighbor and Get Agreements in Writing

I cannot tell you the number of times people have made agreements with their neighbors sealed with a handshake rather than a contract, only to discover the legal value of a signed agreement. I know it can be awkward to ask a neighbor to put your friendly agreement in writing, but when relationships sour—and they … Read more

End-of-Year Tax Considerations

As the year draws to a close, now is a good time to gather your financial documents and review the impact of any real estate (or other financial) transactions. If you bought or sold property, there are undoubtedly tax implications. The best place to start is to review your transaction’s closing document. If you cannot … Read more

The Housing Market Drives Our Economy

I was recently talking to my friend, Mark Pardini who owns Pardini Appliance. He was mentioning that back in 2008 when the housing market tumbled his business slowed, and when the housing market rebounded, his business picked up. It got me thinking about just how many people in this valley depend on a healthy housing … Read more

Flood Insurance During a La Nina Year

After years of drought, many of us are pleased to hear that it may be a wet winter; however, some of us get a little nervous when we hear meteorologists predicting a La Nina year after wildfires, because that can mean flooding and potentially, mudslides. If you buy a home in a federally designated flood … Read more

Mendo Mill, a Mendocino County Tradition

Not long after the pandemic started, many supply chains were interrupted, which caused the prices of some goods and services to skyrocket. One of those was lumber. Between a lack of stock and an increased demand from do-it-yourselfers who were stuck at home during lockdowns, lumber prices went through the roof. Well, if you’re still … Read more

Tips to Sell Your House Quickly

Once people decide to sell their house, they usually don’t want the experience to drag on too long. Here are some tips to sell your house quickly. Some may surprise you. Choose a Good Realtor Although it may seem self-serving to suggest hiring a Realtor as the first order of business, I do so in … Read more

Improve Your Credit Score to Get Better Rates

If you’re thinking of buying a house (or a car, or a business, or anything else that requires a loan), be aware that lenders will use your credit score to determine whether to make the loan, how much to lend, and cost of the loan. Because credit scores consider so many variables, they can predict … Read more

Millennials and Homebuying

I recently ran across an interesting article about some of the challenges millennials face when it comes to buying their first homes; one of the biggest challenges is their own misconceptions about what it takes. Millennials were born in the 1980s and early ‘90s, so they are mostly in their 30s now. One of the … Read more