The Financial Benefits of Home Ownership

Last week, I wrote about some of the tax benefits that come with home ownership. Here are more ways to maximize the financial benefits of home ownership. Home Equity Line of Credit If the market value of your home is significantly greater than the amount you owe on your home loan, you may be able … Read more

The Tax Benefits of Home Ownership

Home ownership comes with many benefits, including tax advantages. Here are a few ways that owning a home can save you money. Mortgage Interest Deduction When you take out a loan to buy your house, you get a deed of trust (mortgage), requiring you to make monthly payments to a bank or other lender. Usually, … Read more

Which Type of Mortgage is Right for you?

When you apply for mortgage to buy a home, the options can be confusing, even overwhelming. Figuring out which loan is right for you depends on several factors. How long do you plan to hold the loan? How much cash do you have? What is your monthly income and credit score? To make matters more … Read more

Delayed Mortgage Payments

Although the shelter-in-place order continues to lighten and allow more economic activity, it’ll be a long time before things return to normal—if they ever do. For some lucky people, the shut-down simply meant working from home, but for others, it meant being fired, furloughed, or forced to stop work because of a coronavirus illness and … Read more

Six Mortgage Myths Debunked

When it comes to making a decision as important as purchasing a home, be sure to base your decision on facts—not myths. Here are a few myths debunked. Myth #1: It’s always better to own than to rent. Not necessarily. When people say owning a home is an investment while renting just throws your money … Read more

Mortgage Do’s and Don’ts

Buying real estate is one of the biggest investments you’re likely to make. As such, mortgage lenders have to make sure you can afford what you’re buying. Here are some things you can do to improve your chances of qualifying for a loan. YOUR MORTGAGE TO-DO LIST DO provide your lender with your homeowner insurance agent’s … Read more