All Properties are Sold “As-Is” Unless You’re Paying Attention

When you buy a property in California, you’re buying it “as-is” unless you negotiate a different agreement pertaining to a specific item with the seller. Without that special agreement, you’re accepting the property in its current condition. This is not to suggest that sellers can announce they are selling their property as-is, and then skip … Read more

What NOT To Do When Putting Your House on the Market

I’ve written several columns reviewing what to do when you decide to sell your house, but it occurred to me that I might not have shared what NOT to do. Here are four recommendations to help you avoid expensive mistakes. Don’t Over-improve As you contemplate putting your house on the market, think carefully before you … Read more

Prepayment Penalties – The Double Whammy

You may have heard you can save a bundle of money by paying off your mortgage early. Have you ever asked yourself, “If I’m saving money, who is losing money?” Well, the answer is: your lender. Sometimes, especially with big commercial properties, lenders protect themselves against early payoffs by including pre-payment penalty clauses in their … Read more

Marijuana’s Legal Status in California and What Happens Now

Opinions about marijuana are all over the map in Mendocino County, and people can get pretty fired up about their respective positions. Whether you’re pro or con, whether you think legalizing marijuana will help or hurt the local economy, whether you think people who smoke a single joint are drug addicts or no different from … Read more

Do We Have a Water Shortage or a Shortage of Water Storage? 

I debated about tackling this issue because water rights are a little like politics or religion around here: if you want to remain on good terms with friends and family, don’t discuss them. However, I’m not one to shrink away from an important topic, so while I expect many knowledgeable people to hold differing opinions, … Read more

California Laws That Took Effect in January

As awareness increases about building safety, environmental concerns, and equality for people with disabilities, construction regulations evolve. Initially, new rules only apply to new construction or major renovations, but eventually existing structures must come up to code. Such is the case with water-conserving plumbing. As of January 1, 2017, we must all have replaced high … Read more

Can I Get My Deposit Back?

  When buyers and sellers sign a purchase agreement to transfer a piece of property, they typically do so in good faith. But what happens when buyers get cold feet? What happens if there’s a misunderstanding and the parties cannot come to an agreement? Before I continue, here’s my disclaimer: I’m about to cover a … Read more