If-You-Give-a-Mouse-a-Cookie Renovations

There’s a wonderful children’s book series by Laura Numeroff, the first of which is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. It goes through the problems of giving a mouse a cookie: if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll probably want a glass of milk. If you give him milk, he’s likely to ask you … Read more

Smart Homes Keep You Connected 24/7 – Part II

  Last week, I shared some of the smart-home innovations made possible by modern technology, things like thermostats you can adjust with your cell phone regardless of your location, and smart doors and doorbells that allow you to unlock your door automatically or respond to a visitor at your door without being home. These are … Read more

Smart Homes Keep You Connected 24/7 – Part I

In 1898, the commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office, Charles Holland Duell, reportedly said, “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Wouldn’t he be surprised if he attended the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas each January to see all the latest tech creations? For decades, technology has developed at an astonishing pace, changing … Read more

Mendocino County Construction Corps

As long as there have been schools, there have been students who knew sitting in a classroom all day wasn’t for them. This feeling doesn’t necessarily go away when it comes to the workplace; not everyone is meant to sit behind a desk. But because kids often hear that they have to go to college … Read more

Warning Signs of Underlying Problems

When you fall in love with a house, it’s easy to get swept away in the emotion of it all, imagining summer barbecues in the backyard and holiday celebrations around the hearth. However, before you begin arranging the furniture, be sure to look for these warning signs that things may not be as perfect as … Read more


When you buy or sell a house, it can be very exciting, whether you’re becoming a homeowner for the first time, upgrading to a new neighborhood, or selling a home to start an adventure elsewhere. Sometimes, however, things do not go as planned. There’s a paragraph in the standard purchase agreement from the California Association … Read more

Tired of Renting? Now’s a Great Time to Buy!

Many renters are under the mistaken impression that they cannot afford to buy a house. Some believe they need a substantial down payment; others believe they cannot afford the monthly expenses of home ownership. While these assumptions may be true, it’s best to review the facts before crossing home ownership off your list. We’ll assume … Read more

What To Do When Your Heater Goes Out Midwinter

You may have noticed that heaters, and electricity in general, have a way of going out when Mother Nature brings her coldest winter storm of the season. While we don’t face the same freezing extremes as people in Wisconsin or Minnesota, it’s still a bummer to be cold. If you have a low tolerance for … Read more

Inclusionary Zoning Discourages Development

If we thought we had a housing shortage before the fires, we really have one now. While the developers of the Vineyard Crossing housing development on Lover’s Lane in Ukiah are determined to work with the county to make the development a success, they and developers like them face significant hurdles as they try to … Read more