Technology requires a human touch

When people become interested in the real estate market, they often start online, perusing one of the myriad digital sites—from databases like Zillow, Trulia, and Redfin to broker and REALTOR websites to media publications. These can be a good place to start, but when you get serious about buying or selling real estate, these online … Read more

Stay alert to avoid fraud

Recently, I was reminded of a scam where the fraudster tries to sell a property they don’t own. It goes like this. The scammer finds an unoccupied property and checks public records to see if there are any loans or liens on the property. If there aren’t, and the deed was recorded decades ago—especially if … Read more

The Department of Justice Has It Wrong

The Department of Justice is suing the National Association of Realtors for price fixing and restraint of trade. Several major real estate franchises have settled out of court, but I think the DOJ may end up losing this case. Here’s the situation. As the law stands today, when a Realtor lists a property for sale, … Read more

The Tax Benefits of Home Ownership

Home ownership comes with many benefits, including tax advantages. Here are a few ways that owning a home can save you money. Mortgage Interest Deduction When you take out a loan to buy your house, you get a deed of trust (mortgage), requiring you to make monthly payments to a bank or other lender. Usually, … Read more

An Expensive Calamity

Most folks in Mendocino County have heard of the Assessor’s Office, the Auditor’s Office, and the Tax Collector’s Office, but very few could tell you exactly what they do. As thousands of Mendocino County residents begin receiving notices about back property taxes, knowing who to turn to could become of great interest. It all started … Read more

Spring Cleaning to Avoid Disaster – Part II

As I mentioned last week, spring cleaning is kind of like exercising—the benefits are great, but it’s hard to get yourself to do it. Here’s are a few more recommendations to keep your house in peak condition. HVAC Filters Like most appliances, heating and air conditioning systems run more efficiently when their filters aren’t covered … Read more

Spring Cleaning to Avoid Disaster

Spring cleaning is kind of like exercising—the benefits are great, but it’s hard to get yourself to do it. Here’s a little pep talk about why spring cleaning is worth the effort (and hey, I believe cleaning can count as exercise, so you can feel twice as good about your efforts). Refrigerator Coils If you … Read more

10 Years Ago

Exactly 10 years ago this week, I started writing this weekly real estate column. Here was the inaugural column. By way of introduction, I’m Dick Selzer and I’ve been in Real Estate in the Ukiah Valley since the 1970s. After more than 35 years in the industry, I thought I’d share a few facts and … Read more

Be the Best Buyer You Can Be

When it comes to making the biggest purchase of your life, a lack of experience and strong emotions can get in the way. Here are a few tips to be the best buyer you can be. Be Persistent Start by setting realistic expectations. It’s rare that the first house you see will be the one … Read more