Happy Earth Day!

April 22, 2014 is Earth Day. To celebrate, you may want to go green and save a little green in the process. You can help the planet while you save a little cash with energy efficient upgrades. Improving energy efficiency can be done on any budget. Of course, larger improvements often yield larger savings. For … Read more

How to Prepare for a Move

Moving can be exciting, but it tends to come with a few drawbacks (like getting all your earthly possessions from one location to another). So, this column is about some important steps to take to make your move as smooth as possible. As I’ve mentioned before, if you’re selling your house, it is best to … Read more

Consumer Confidence

Consumer confidence is a funny thing. As adults, we understand that wanting something doesn’t necessarily make it so (for example, no matter how much we want our favorite dessert to have zero calories, it doesn’t); however, with consumer confidence it’s the opposite. When enough people believe something, it becomes true. It’s not actually the belief, … Read more

Selling a Home “As Is”

Based on questions I frequently hear, it appears people are confused about whether homes can be sold “as is” in California. I’ve heard sellers say, “I’m selling my house ‘as is’ so I don’t have to disclose anything.” I’ve also heard, “I live in California, so I can’t sell my house ‘as is.’” Both are … Read more

Pets: We Can’t Live Without Them, But Our Buyers Can

Most of us wouldn’t trade our pets for anything, but when it comes to selling your home, why limit your audience to pet lovers? I would never suggest trying to hide the fact that you have pets, but I would recommend you follow a few tips on minimizing the negative effects pets can have on … Read more

Saving Water

I was planning to write about roofing this week, but our drought deserves a little more attention. While this lovely rainstorm should help, it can lull people into a false sense of security. We are way behind on rainfall, so we need to keep conserving water. Here are a few ideas on how to do … Read more

COSTCO: Blessing or a Curse?

COSTCO is coming! Before I get going, I want to disclose that Realty World Selzer Realty is the listing agent for the property COSTCO will build on. That doesn’t change what I’m about to write, but it’s always important to be up front. Will COSTCO mean boom or bust for Ukiah? When you ask someone … Read more