Making Sure All Offers Are on the Table

Every licensed real estate agent or broker in California must put their clients’ needs before their own. They have what’s called a fiduciary responsibility, which means they are legally required to do what is in the best interest of the client. If an agent or broker puts their own needs above their clients’ needs, they … Read more

Class K Housing – Let’s Reduce the Housing Shortage

In the Ukiah Valley, we have a serious housing shortage. It’s so serious that local employers have had trouble recruiting qualified candidates to the area. Candidates come and interview for a job. They’re a perfect fit and receive a job offer. Then, they cannot find a house to live in, so they decline the offer … Read more

Should a First-Time Homebuyer Choose a Fixer Upper?

If you’re a first-time homebuyer trying to stretch your limited budget to get as much house as possible, you may be tempted to buy a fixer upper, a house in need of extensive repairs. They certainly can be priced right. If you’re like me and your construction skills are taxed when hanging a picture, I’d … Read more

We Need More Market-Rate Housing

I recently attended a meeting where the Adventist Health Ukiah Valley CEO, Jason Wells, announced his plan to recruit 30 new physician specialists as soon as possible. One of his biggest challenges is the lack of appropriate, market-rate housing for physicians and their families. He noted that when the fire in Paradise, California displaced many … Read more

Foreclosure Quirks

The vast majority of residential real estate transactions follow a fairly familiar pattern. Sellers put their house up for sale. Buyers make an offer to buy it. They agree on a price and go into escrow. Disclosures and inspections and financing and a zillion other details fall into place (thanks to an enormous amount of … Read more

Road Maintenance Agreements

If it were up to me, all homeowners would be responsible for maintaining the section of road directly in front of their property out to the middle of the street. To make sure everyone maintained their portion of the road, a local committee of elected members would have the authority to keep the road in … Read more

Avoid Wire Fraud

Although this column is about real estate, it includes important information for anyone handling high-dollar transactions electronically. Whether you’re wiring money for real estate, a vehicle, or equipment, you can lose a lot of money in a hurry if you don’t know how to spot wire fraud. Sadly, this happened recently when a family here … Read more

How to Make Sure Your Offer Gets Chosen Above the Rest

Last week, I shared information about how to be the buyer whose offer is accepted. While I cannot provide a fail-safe way to guarantee your offer will be chosen, I can certainly give you good advice that will put your offer near the top of the list: get pre-approved for a loan. Remember, property owners … Read more

How to Make Sure Your Offer Gets Chosen Above the Rest

When property owners put their house on the market, they want to sell at the highest price in the shortest time period with the least inconvenience. Rather than chasing the promise of a few more dollars, many sellers will go for the sure thing. As long as offers are fairly close on price, sellers often … Read more